As we get ready to enter a third year of Small Groups (i.e. Bible studies, prayer gatherings, game times & fellowship, book studies and more) on Sunday, September 8, we would like to give you the opportunity to lead or teach a new group. We do have several groups that will be resuming, which are listed in our Small Group Opportunities booklet, but we would like to offer more so that folks can build relationships, grow in their personal relationships with Jesus, and you have this opportunity to serve. There will be a signup sheet in the foyer of the Worship Center to write your name, the type of group you would like to start, the days and times of meetings as well as the place. Any group for children or youth will need Ministry Safe approval. We will have signs and sign-up sheets for all the small groups that will be offered this fall in the Welcome Center of the Worship Center on Sunday, September 1.