Everyone Belongs at Las Vegas Church of the Nazarene


Children’s Ministry

LVCN offers programs for kids who are 6 weeks old through 6th grade. If you attend in person, our friendly greeters will show you where our kids ministry area is when you arrive. We will meet your family, check your child into class, and answer any questions you may have. We have various children’s Sunday School classes beginning at 9am, then at 10:30am, we have nursery care, children’s church and Bible quizzing.

Youth Group

Known as Seraphim Youth Group. This is a weekly Bible study geared towards Jr and Sr High students who have a hunger and a passion to dig deeper into God’s word.

Check out our ministry on Sunday mornings in the Worship Center Balcony @ 9:15am - 10:15am

Worship Ministries

O come, let us sing unto the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.  Let us come before his presense with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms.  Psalms 95:1-2.

 Worship Team

Worship and Arts Ministry Statement:  Lifting high the name of Jesus through the surrendering of our hearts, souls, and minds.  To glorify God through prayer, music, and acts of worship, so that as we are led by the Spirit, we may lead others into worship.

If you’re interested in joining the Worship Team, click HERE to fill out an online application.

Prayer Ministries

LVCN believes prayer is vital to our relationship with God. John Wesley once stated prayer is “not so much to move God — who is always more ready to give than you to ask — as to move yourselves, that you may be willing and ready to receive the good things he has prepared for you.” In that attitude, we gather every week at 10am for our Tent of Meeting prayer time in the office, or via WebEx. This time is centered on prayer for our church, city and world. We also gather Wednesday nights for a small group focused on prayer. Once a year we also host the City Wide Unity Prayer Gathering with churches across Las Vegas. Come join us!

Small Groups

New Spanish Ministry

A principios de 2025, Dios respondió a nuestras oraciones cuando lanzamos un nuevo ministerio en español bajo el liderazgo del Rev. Jorman Parra, fue ordenado en la Iglesia del Nazareno, originario de Cuba. Como parte de esto, hay un servicio de adoración en español a la 1:00 pm los domingos en el salón 5 del edificio del Centro de Vida Cristiana. Estamos agradecidos por este ministerio, y emocionados de ver lo que Dios hace a través de él en los días venideros.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Oficina de la Iglesia o con el Pastor Jorman en, y oremos por este nuevo Servicio de Adoración, para que muchos lleguen a conocer el poder salvador de Jesús en él y a través de él.

At LVCN, we take moving in the direction of Jesus (discipleship) seriously. We have a variety of small group opportunities throughout the week for you to find community and pursue Jesus! We have groups for all ages, some are focused on Bible study or prayer, some are based on books, others are just to have fun! Outside of regular programming, for Fall 2024 through Spring 2025 we plan on having:

  • Cross-Roads (Young Adults) - Sunday mornings at 9am in Room 1

  • The IRON Group (Women’s Ministry) - 3rd Thursday of the Month at 6pm at Clara Pruett’s Home

  • Men in the Boat (Men’s Ministry) - For more information please contact the Church Office to get in contact with the Men’s Ministry leader.

  • Moms In Prayer - Monday nights at 7pm on Webex (Call church office to receive a Webex invite)

  • Open Gym (Basketball & Fellowship) - For more information please contact the Church Office.

Our Regular Programming Can be Found Below

  • Sunday School for All Ages (Nursery, Toddler, Children, Youth, Young Adult, Adult)

  • Tent of Meeting prayer gathering - Tuesdays at 10am at church office and on Webex

  • Children’s Church - Sundays at 10:30am in room 2 of the Christian Life Center

  • Children’s Bible Quizzing - Sundays at 10:30am in room 7 of the Christian Life Center

For more information on any of the above, please contact the church office, or check out the Next Steps table in the foyer of the Worship Center.