Please join us for an exciting Sunday - we will have our Faith Promise service, a potluck lunch after and our Fall Small Group Launch. We are extremely excited and blessed to hear from South African Missionaries, Reverends Fred and Sheryl Tedder. Following the service, we’ll gather in the CLC, Gym from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm for a potluck lunch, and our Fall Small Group Launch. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer of the Worship Center this Sunday, August 20, for you to mark down what dish you will bring. After we eat lunch there will be time to go around to the Small Group tables to talk with each Small Group leader about their group, and sign-up sheets will be available. We invite you to consider launching your own small group this fall. The purpose of small groups is to find community. The content can be a variety of things: prayer and care time, sermon-based questions, Bible Study in larger groups, book studies, hiking, running, knitting, etc. No matter the type, we encourage there to be some type of Spiritual Formation aspect incorporated into each gathering. Groups can meet at their own pace – some are weekly, some are bi-weekly, some just once a month. If interested in forming one, please contact the Church Office at (702) 451-6000. Small groups are a part of our ongoing vision statement: “Making Christlike Disciples”.
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